Some information about us
- 1990Fresgarrido, S.L. was born in 1990 as an agricultural and horticultural company mainly producedthe strawberry “freson” of Palos de la Frontera.
- 2004In 2004 Fresgarrido took a big leap forward by opening a handling centre. It also entered markets by the direct sale of the strawberry “freson” and established as independent producer.
- 2013Plantation, production and commercialization of blueberries began.
- 2014Fresgarrido participates actively in the Spanish Congress of Irrigators Communities of Spain, as special sponsor, and as reference of company committed to the rational use of irrigation water.
- 2015Fregarrido has as main goal for 2015 to expand exotic fruits growing.
- 175haWith 175 has. of growing, we offer the best fruits of our lands commercialising them throughout Spain and abroad.
- 9000tFresgarrido has an annual production of 9.000 tons of berries.
- TodayAt present, Fresgarrido exports berries to Germany, Italy, France, England, Egypt, Denmark, Lithuania and Lithonia, and constantly establishing new commercial relations with other countries.

Our products
The best fruits of our lands
Fresgarrido grows, produces and commercialises the best strawberries and blueberries of our land.
Considering our annual production of 11 tons, it is crucial the environmental protection, irrigation practices and the quality of the product.
Fresgarrido has obtained the GLOBAL G.A.P. and QS quality certificates, which guarantee the highest quality of its products.

Strawberry “freson”

Our strawberry “freson” comes from the family of strawberries but the main difference is its bigger size and its bright red colour. Strawberry has been from Ancient times, one of the most appreciated fruit and considered as a delicatessen for its intense flavour and outstanding nutritional properties.
Actually, it has more vitamin C than other citrus fruits. It is perfect as the finishing touch of an outstandingmeal, either alone, with cream, milk or as ingredient in elaborate desserts. Moreover, it has a huge industrial value due to the different products, which can be done, such as shakes, ice creams, jam, yogurts or gelatine.
Consumption and nutritional properties
The strawberry “freson” is an important help in slimming diet not only for its superb flavour or because it is light but also the 85% of water in its composition. Its calorific value is low, only 37 calories per 100 grams. In 100 grams of strawberries, there are 0.7 gr proteins, 7 gr carbohydrates and only 0.3 gr fat. Its main value is the high level of vitamin C: 100 gr means the recommended diary amount.
It also contains vitamin A (5 micrograms per 100 gr), vitamin E (0.23 milligrams per 100 gr) and lower quantities of other vitamins as B1, B2, B3 and B6. Among its minerals, strawberries provide mainly potassium and magnesium, but also iron, phosphorus, iodine and calcium. It contains 2.2gr fibre per 100 gr of product, which means a moderate supply.
Excellent for health
Strawberries containimportant elements for our health, as the aforementioned vitamin C, an antioxidant substance, which protects the body strengthening the immune system. Its organic acids possess disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effects.
Strawberries are rich in water, providing diuretic properties, excellent to these persons who want to loss weight and with tendency to retain fluids. This effect also benefits those suffering from kidney stones, hypertension and uric acid.
Moreover, it offers important quantities of salicylates, very positive salts to prevent cardiovascular, degenerative diseases and cancer.
And finally, we should not ignore the significant amount of folic acid are: one-sixth of the recommended per 200 grams of this fruit. This acid is essential for pregnant womenit increases cell division. Its deficiency is associated with anaemia and cardiovascular problems.

Blueberry (also known as American blueberry) is a fruit of blue colour and with a sweet and soft flavour.
It is a perennial plant and the first productions are in January, extending the growing until end of June.
Consumption and nutritional properties
More than for a direct consumption, blueberry is used in the manufacture of several products, mainly canned as preserves and jams, in addition to purees, jams, jellies and juices. It is also used to prepare candied, dried and frozen blueberries. In some countries they appear usually in prepared soups and fried from these berries.
Excellent for health
According to the standardization of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the United States, summarises blueberries as between low and free of fat and sodium, cholesterol-free and rich in fibre, refreshing, tonic, astringent, diuretic and with vitamin C.; also a hippuric acid, which makes of it a fruit with many desirable characteristics from a nutritional standpoint.
According to studies carried out by Clemson University and the American Department of Agriculture, the blueberry is in the first position due to its antioxidant capacity.
The pigment that gives the blue colour to this fruit (anthocyanin), interferes in human cellular metabolism by decreasing the action of free radicals associated with aging, cancer, heart disease, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.
These qualities are significant in high purchasing power market, where the purchasing decision is mainly influenced by non-economic factors. Therefore, the advertising campaigns highlight this goodness of the fruit among the nutritional and health beneficial properties.
It provides countless nutritional properties and benefits for the body, being one of the fruits more antioxidant.
Our formats
The best fruits of our lands

4 kg
In 16x250gr punnets

5 kg
In 10x500 gr punnets
- formato3
- formato4
Production process
- Proceso 1
- Proceso 2
- Proceso 3
- Proceso 4
- Proceso 5
- Proceso 6
- Proceso 7
- Proceso 8

In FRESGARRIDO, each campaign starts obtaining the best selection of greenhouses in Segovia and Ávila (Spain), where the strawberry “freson” plant is exposed on a regular basis to low temperatures in order to obtain a higher quality fruit bearing. We explore the different varieties of strawberry and select the one that best suits, in every moment, market needs.

Strawberry farming
Once the plant reaches its optimum condition, is transferred to Palos de la Frontera (Huelva, Spain), where it is replanted and due to the climatic and geological conditions as well as its superb quality of irrigation water, the best strawberry “freson” grows with an outstanding colour, size and flavour.

To guaranteeits characteristic quality and flavour, the strawberry “freson” is picked at the optimum moment of ripening.

As soon as we received the product in our facilities, a group of professional experts carry out a preliminary visual control of the fruit to guarantee its quality.

Quality control
Fresgarrido is a company committed to its products quality, environmental protection and rational use of water.
GLOBAL G.A.P. and QS standards certifications guarantee the highest quality of its products.

Handling and preparation
Fresgarrido is equipped with modern facilities of 2500m2 where over 10.000 tons of berries are annually handled and subjected to the strictest quality controls and traceability systems, in order that the strawberry “freson” reaches the consumer in excellent organoleptic, conservation and presentation conditions.
Fresgarrido begins the manually handling of the fruit in four mechanised production lines, by selecting the fruit each one to obtain the best quality and packing them in its different formats as per order.

Cold storage
One of the main keys for a successful strawberry’s conservation and quality is the temperature, which needs to be kept cold to preserve its appearance and nutritional properties.
Once the strawberry “freson” is received at our facilities, is stored in refrigerated rooms at a temperature of 10ºC.
When this temperature is reached, the product is subjected to a handling and packaging chain and subsequently, is sent to cooling tunnels reaching a temperature of 3ªC to be kept in maintenance cold stores until the moment of its distribution to the different points of national and international markets.

It is necessary a quick and efficient distribution of the strawberry “freson” in order that customers find it in its optimum moment.
Therefore, Fresgarrido has its associated means distributing and supplying to department stores, national and international wholesale and retail markets.
We are proud that the strawberry of our lands has been expanded beyond Spain to be present in Italy, France, Germany, United Kingdom, Lithuania, Lithonia, Denmark and continues growing in other European countries.
Contact us
959 101 000
959 990 026
C/ Moguer, 3
21810 Palos de la Frontera